Things to do in the garden this month by Ian Clemens

  • Plant out annual summer bedding plants in borders, containers and hanging baskets now the risk of frost has passed.
  • Lift and divide clumps of snowdrops and bluebells once the leaves start to yellow.
  • Pinch out the tips of your fuchsias to encourage a bushy habit and more flowers.
  • Cut back bulb foliage once it has died down naturally.
  • Plant out tender vegetables like courgette, squash, tomatoes and sweetcorn now the warmer days are set to last.
  • Look out for yellowing of autumn planted onion and garlic foliage. This is a sign that they are ready to harvest.
  • Continue to earth up main crop potatoes and think about harvesting your first earlies (ready 10 weeks after planting)
  • Harvest salad crops and sow new every two weeks to ensure a constant supply of tasty leaves.
  • Thin out congested branches on fruit trees for bigger and better fruits.
  • Protect developing fruits from birds and squirrels by netting your plants.
  • Peg down runners on strawberry plants to create more plants for next year.