Village News

RunWisborough 9th June 2024 – WOW – what an event !

Once again, Run Wisborough was a roaring success!. We had over 600 runners plus more at the children’s colour run and the initial feedback has been brilliant. The runners praised the fantastic atmosphere, beautiful village setting and of course all...

Rest In Peace

Richard Hugo Gaze 22 May 1940 - 28 January 2024 Richard grew up in Tadworth. His loving parents nurtured his love of wildlife, particularly botany. His father’s love of collecting antiquarian books on the subject an early  stimulus. He studied...

Ad Vincula Magazine Deliverers WANTED

As most of you know, Wisborough Green's Parish Magazine, "Ad Vincula", is delivered FREE to every household in Wisborough Green. What some of you may not realise is that this is only possible because of a small army of dedicated volunteer...

WG History – Thomas Hide Garrett

Last month, we learned about Allen Watts Upfield who owned Upfield’s Stores (now Forrest Place) on Durbans Road overlooking the green.  This month, we look at the owner of another grocer’s and general store, Thomas Garrett who was in business for...

Flag Raising Days

17 July - Birthday of Her Majesty The Queen

Recipe of the month

No-churn Raspberry Ice Cream Another great Ottolenghi recipe! Ingredients:  (serves 6) 600g fresh raspberries 2 tbsp icing sugar 200ml double cream 1 egg, plus 2 egg yolks 1 tsp lemon juice 180g caster sugar 1/8 tsp salt   Method Place the...

Renegades Update

Renegades honour D-Day fallen The Renegades youth club took part in a very special vigil at the Wisborough Green cenotaph to mark D-Day. “This was something incredibly important for the children to do and understand. We explained the significance...

WG Horticultural Society

Preparations are underway for the return of the Horticultural Society Flower and Produce Show on August Bank Holiday Monday.   Show Schedules are available from the village shop or can be downloaded from the society website...

WG Primary School News

At Wisborough Green Primary School, our aim is to make ‘every child a reader’ from the start of their school journey. Reading is one of life’s most essential skills which we continue to develop throughout our lives. Starting reading as early as...

Wisborough Green Village Fete

- Bank Holiday Monday - 26th August 2024 - The Green is the place to be. We've got a great day planned for you! The programme is now available here.      

Wisborough Green Minibus

Wisborough Green Division Registered Charity No: 1173818 Local Coordinator: Dave Wallace 47, Carters Way, Wisborough Green RH14 0BX Tel: 01403 700320   Email: To use the minibus you need to be a member of the Minibus...

District Cllr Writes

Dear Residents, As I write this update it feels like the weather hasn’t caught up with the time of year yet! Hopefully by the time you are reading it will have improved. Gareth and I continue to be busy, working hard on behalf of our communities,...

The Gardener’s Calendar

Things to do in the garden this month by Ian Clemens Dead-head annuals and perennials to avoid self-seeding and to encourage prolonged flowering. Take cuttings from your favourite tender plants for over-wintering indoors. Cuttings can also still be...

St Peter’s Task Force

St Peter's 'Task Force' The Churchyard at St Peter’s is an historic record of successive generations, a home for funerary monuments of architectural and aesthetic excellence, a setting for the church itself and a place for reflection and prayer. ...

Family Support Work News

Website: Dear Friends, The summer is drawing ever closer, and with it a break which for many of our families is something to dread as opposed to something to look forward to. With financial constraints still a...

Women’s Institute

Our meeting in July will be on Wednesday, 3rd July (instead of the usual first Thursday of the month) at the Village Hall, 7.45 for 8pm.  The Speaker will be presenting and demonstrating Beauty Care Products.   There is no meeting in August, but do...

Village Hall News

Can you help? It is so nice to see the Village Hall being used so much and with the weather being so changeable it’s a great venue for parties. However, with all these things we need help to keep the Hall running. Can you help with small...

County Cllr. Janet Duncton Writes

It’s been a busy time at both West Sussex County Council and the South Downs National Park but the strange thing is that there isn’t a lot to report to all the residents. First of all I would like to mention the 6th June and the 80th anniversary of...

Village Hall Monthly Draw Club

The winner of the June draw is Jennie Carter who wins £75. The winner of the 2nd prize of £20 is Sue Killingbeck. The next draw will take place on Thursday 11th July 2024. Mew members always welcome. First prize each month is £50 which is increased...

Nature Notes

Sending summer greetings to all! And hooray - at last I can roam more freely again, to enjoy the countryside that surrounds us! Back down the woods behind us with the carpets of bluebells, wild garlic galore, and yet again our one Early Spring...

Neighbourhood Watch Update

WhatsApp group chats are targeted by fraudsters WhatsApp group chat members are being warned they could be targeted by criminals, as Action Fraud reveals it has received 636 reports from victims of the messaging app this year. The fraud often...

WG Short Mat Bowls Club

The club meets in the Village Hall every Monday (2pm to 4pm) and is a small friendly group of mixed ages and abilities. Since starting up in 2009, the club has grown in both strength and numbers with a current membership of around 28. We are always...

Neighbourhood Watch Update

Are you scam savvy? West Sussex County Council's Digital Safety Team has just organised a number of online and in-person free events for their popular course 'Are you scam savvy?' These free 1.5 hour sessions are available to anyone who wants to...

Member of Parliament Update

Representing a rural constituency, I am passionate supporter of our farmers and their contribution to both putting food on our tables and conserving our environment. With this in mind, I was delighted by the news that Waitrose and the Co-op have...


FOR ALL DOG OWNERS There ain’t a dog poo fairy; own it. Bins at Songhurst Meadow are now open. Dog waste bags can now be put into litter bins which CDC empties on a weekly basis. CDC is phasing out dog waste bins and asking people to use the...

Public Access Defibrillators

A defibrillator is a device that gives a high energy electric shock to the heart of someone who is in cardiac arrest. This high energy shock is called defibrillation,   and it's an essential part in trying to save the life of someone who is in...