Isle of Wight Ultra Challenge


Hello Everyone,

I promised I would update you all after I had completed the IOW Ultra Challenge and I have to say it was much harder than the first time I completed it 5 years ago.

The weather was glorious, the sun was shining and there was very little wind but the ground was a river of mud in places, meaning that my feet were not only sweating in the heat but they were also wet which I discovered meant you get LOTS of blisters!!

I finished the half challenge from Chale to Cowes (over 33 miles in the end) in 11 hours 7 minutes which I was very pleased with considering I only had my second baby 9 months ago.  It is never a race but I came in 41st out of 153 women completing the same half challenge.

I have raised a total of £1,550 for the Air Ambulance – which is really an amazing amount – Thank you so much to everyone who has donated!

I would also like to thank our Vicar Clive and Roland for helping me reach out to the whole community and the Wisborough Green Stores for having me on their screen for 6 weeks and keeping a donation jar behind the counter.

If you would still like to make a donation please follow the QR code (left) to access my just giving page.

Thank you again to everyone who has helped me raise money for this incredible charity.
