Dear Residents,

We hope you have had a wonderful Easter time and are looking ahead to the summer. With recent glimmers or lovely weather, we hope that the summer is soon upon us and we can enjoy the many beautiful green spaces with friend and family.


Local Updates:

Crouchlands Farm Planning Application – We have been made aware that the developer intends to appeal all live applications on grounds of non-determination. Charles and I are in close contact with the Planning Team who will be working on this. They will update us as soon as there is further information.

Breaking News! Crouchland Farms Planning Applications REFUSED

We are pleased to let residents know that 2 of the 3 applications at Crouchlands Farm, for 108 and 492 houses, have been refused by Chichester District Council. To see these completely inappropriate applications turned down is great news for our residents!

CDC were recently made aware that the applicant at Crouchlands Farm was going to appeal to the Planning Inspectorate for ‘non-determination’ of the applications. Essentially, even though the applicant had not provided all of the information requested for these very complex and totally unsuitable applications, they had decided not to wait any longer. CDC officers then worked tirelessly to refuse 2 of the applications on strong grounds, before the developer could submit their appeal.

This ensures that should the developer appeal these refusals, the reasons are specific and defendable to the planning inspector, giving us the strongest possible case against these developments.

Shop Development Loxwood – The latest update received on this is that the shop development is still going ahead as planned, will be built at the same time as the rest of the development and will begin in the next few weeks.

Potholes – Continuing to have residents approaching me about potholes in the community. Advised that this is a WSCC issue but Charles and I report them as we become aware of them. The emergency number for potholes which are a safety risk can be reported via the emergency number 01243 642105

Speed awareness – Charles and I have been out in recent weeks volunteering with other local residents in Loxwood, helping to gather important data to get a picture of the speeding issues in the village. Speeding is also a number 1 concern within the community.

Supporting Community Events – There are a number of community events coming up across May and June which I will be supporting. On May 6th (Bank Holiday) I MC’d at the Plaistow Preschool Maypole, Saturday 18th May saw me competing in the 5km Northchapel run raising funds for their local school and on Sunday 9th June I will once again be taking part in Run Wisborough.

CDC Wide Updates

Local Plan – The Chichester District Council Local Plan for 2021-2039 was submitted on Friday 3rd May to the Secretary of State for Examination. We now await their response to this and will update once further information is available.

Evening Meetings – the Full Council meeting on Tuesday 21st May saw us moving to evening meetings. The long-term aim is that this extends to more meetings and there can be a mix of daytime and evening meetings, opening the democratic process to many more people.

Meeting your District Councillors

Cllr. Gareth Evans is available to meet residents face to face via one of his regular surgeries. Gareth will be available at the advertised venues from 12pm-2pm:

Saturday 15th June 2024 – The Onslow Arms, Loxwood
Saturday 22nd June 2024 – Northchapel Club, Northchapel
Saturday 13th July 2024 – Plaistow Stores, Plaistow
Saturday 24th  August 2024 – The Stag Inn, Balls Cross

Should the suggested dates not be suitable for you or there are any other reasons preventing you from attending then it is possible to arrange home visits, telephone calls or zoom meetings.

Our contact details:

Cllr. Gareth Evans, email: or telephone 07958 918056

Cllr. Charles Todhunter, email or telephone 07500 577777