Wisborough Green Village Fete

Wisborough Green Village Fete

– Bank Holiday Monday – 26th August 2024 – A reminder that plans are well underway for this amazing village event in the summer. We are booking the Stalls, Food, Vintage Cars and more….. If you would like to sponsor a stall or be involved on the day,...
80th Anniversary of D-Day

80th Anniversary of D-Day

Remembering D-Day and the Battle of Normandy The D-Day landings of 6 June 1944 was the largest seaborne invasion in history. Along with the associated airborne operations, it marked the beginning of the liberation of France and western Europe. Unprecedented...
Renegades Update

Renegades Update

Renegades to explore home education The Renegades youth club, now in its sixth year, is to explore a new way of helping more school aged children and widen its commitment to the local community. There has been a sharp rise in home education since the pandemic, with...
Neighbourhood Watch Update

Neighbourhood Watch Update

WhatsApp group chats are targeted by fraudsters WhatsApp group chat members are being warned they could be targeted by criminals, as Action Fraud reveals it has received 636 reports from victims of the messaging app this year. The fraud often begins when a member of...
District Cllr Writes

District Cllr Writes

Dear Residents, We hope you have had a wonderful Easter time and are looking ahead to the summer. With recent glimmers or lovely weather, we hope that the summer is soon upon us and we can enjoy the many beautiful green spaces with friend and family.   Local...
County Cllr. Janet Duncton Writes

County Cllr. Janet Duncton Writes

A lot of County work involves the whole of the County but I am sure you don’t want or need details of say a roundabout in Crawley or similar.  On the other hand there are overall County issues that involve everyone and I do try and keep you informed especially through...