Read all about it !

The Parish Council’s Annual Report has now been published, giving full details of what the Parish Council has been doing and spending during the financial year from 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024. Now published here. A summary report will be distributed to...

Parish Council Vacancy

The Parish Council is currently one councillor short. If you are interested in becoming more involved in the village, find out more from the Clerk. Call 701102 or email
Wisborough Green School PTA

Wisborough Green School PTA

Film Night The children had a wonderful time at film night on Wednesday  17th January. The children watched some of their favourite films with their friends while eating some fun snacks. Lots of fun for everyone. A big thank you to the teachers that made this...
The west road – NO access and parking

The west road – NO access and parking

In the August Parish Council (PC) newsletter we highlighted that residents of the west road had brought to the PC’s attention that many more cars are being driven at speed and/or parked along the west road. Technically, this road is part of the Village Green and...


FOR ALL DOG OWNERS There ain’t a dog poo fairy; own it. Bins at Songhurst Meadow are now open. Dog waste bags can now be put into litter bins which CDC empties on a weekly basis. CDC is phasing out dog waste bins and asking people to use the general litter bins...