Women’s Institute

Women’s Institute

Our May meeting hosted Esther Clark who talked about the charity Medical Detection Dogs, from its founding through to today’s work and current research on early detection of Parkinson’s Disease. Our Supper Club meets monthly either for lunch or an evening...
St Peter’s Task Force

St Peter’s Task Force

St Peter’s ‘Task Force’ The Churchyard at St Peter’s is an historic record of successive generations, a home for funerary monuments of architectural and aesthetic excellence, a setting for the church itself and a place for reflection and prayer.  As...
Village Hall News

Village Hall News

Book the Hall If you wish to book an event, you can check the Hall diary and book online at:  https://www.wisboroughgreenvh.org.uk/book-the-hall or via a direct link to the bookings page https://hallbookingonline.com/wisborough/ Bookings are made on a “first come,...
County Cllr. Janet Duncton Writes

County Cllr. Janet Duncton Writes

A lot of County work involves the whole of the County but I am sure you don’t want or need details of say a roundabout in Crawley or similar.  On the other hand there are overall County issues that involve everyone and I do try and keep you informed especially through...
Village Hall Monthly Draw Club

Village Hall Monthly Draw Club

The winner of the May draw is Brian Edson who wins £50. The winner of the 2nd prize of £20 is Shirley Stride.   The next draw will take place on Thursday 6th June 2024. Mew members always welcome. First prize each month is £50 which is increased to £75 for the...