WG Primary School News

WG Primary School News

It never ceases to amaze me how quickly the Year 6 Standard Assessment Tests (SATs) come around each year! Despite being a contentious issue for some, Wisborough Green, along with all other maintained primary schools, is obliged to administer these tests every May....
Neighbourhood Watch Update

Neighbourhood Watch Update

WhatsApp group chats are targeted by fraudsters WhatsApp group chat members are being warned they could be targeted by criminals, as Action Fraud reveals it has received 636 reports from victims of the messaging app this year. The fraud often begins when a member of...
Wisborough Green Minibus

Wisborough Green Minibus

Wisborough Green Division Registered Charity No: 1173818 Local Coordinator: Dave Wallace 47, Carters Way, Wisborough Green RH14 0BX Tel: 01403 700320   Email: davedavewallacedave@outlook.com To use the minibus you need to be a member of the Minibus Association. The...
District Cllr Writes

District Cllr Writes

Dear Residents, We hope you have had a wonderful Easter time and are looking ahead to the summer. With recent glimmers or lovely weather, we hope that the summer is soon upon us and we can enjoy the many beautiful green spaces with friend and family.   Local...
The Gardener’s Calendar

The Gardener’s Calendar

Things to do in the garden this month by Ian Clemens Plant out annual summer bedding plants in borders, containers and hanging baskets now the risk of frost has passed. Lift and divide clumps of snowdrops and bluebells once the leaves start to yellow. Pinch out the...