As most of you know, Wisborough Green’s Parish Magazine, “Ad Vincula”, is delivered FREE to every household in Wisborough Green. What some of you may not realise is that this is only possible because of a small army of dedicated volunteer “deliverers” who make sure your magazine drops through your letterbox every month.

From time to time, for a variety of reasons, we have need of new volunteers.  If you believe that you can help with this task or you know someone who would like to be involved in this community activity, then please contact our Distribution Coordinator, Rosemary Crafter on or phone 701148.

Finally, we would love to hear from anybody who would consider going on a “Reserve” list to deliver magazines when one of our regular deliverers is away or even to take on a round when an existing deliverer has to stop for whatever reason.  Again, please contact Rosemary  Crafter if you can help.