It never ceases to amaze me how quickly the Year 6 Standard Assessment Tests (SATs) come around each year! Despite being a contentious issue forSchool Logo some, Wisborough Green, along with all other maintained primary schools, is obliged to administer these tests every May.

The DfE explains that the assessments are used to measure school performance and to make sure individual pupils are being supported in the best way possible as they move into secondary school. To do so, they only include questions on subjects that children should already have been taught as part of the national curriculum. However, the tests are designed to be challenging to measure attainment, including stretching the most able children. This means some pupils will find them harder than others. It is our job to ensure that children do not feel any unnecessary pressure when it comes to the assessments and that they are all fully prepared.

As we progress through SATs Week 2024, I continue to be incredibly impressed with the attitude of our current Year 6 cohort. They are all rising to the challenge and doing their very best. Children are supporting and encouraging each other and demonstrating their utmost perseverance and resilience, following our usual daily SATs breakfast club – always a popular activity!

Although we want every child to have the opportunity to demonstrate all that they have learnt, we will not lose sight of our overriding priorities – emotional wellbeing and enjoyment of school life in a safe and secure environment alongside the curiosity and independence to become confident life-long learners. I have no doubt that the class of 2024 will not disappoint!

Best wishes,
Caroline Bennett
01403 700280

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