
Dear Friends,

FSW has been a hive of activity in the last month. Many of our practitioners have been running group sessions for their clients to support them in parenting issues as well as their normal day-to-day home visits. These groups are a really valuable way for parents to learn new skills when faced with challenging behaviour from their children, and have been a great success. We are also still receiving a large number of new referrals which we are trying to accept as quickly as we can, although waiting lists are still in place in most areas.

We were able to close a particular family in Newhaven recently, after supporting them since October. This is a relatively quick turnaround, as usually the challenges facing our families take much longer to resolve successfully. After the final meeting the parent sent this message to her practitioner:

Having you to talk to has been invaluable.  You have helped me make sense of things when I felt too muddled.  You have given me tools to help work out my thoughts and feelings and know how to manage them better.  You have helped me understand my options and given me space to talk about worries. I feel so much better now and I know I can come back in the future if I need to”.

Receiving this sort of feedback really gives us a boost when times can be very challenging, so it was wonderful to see the impact that we have had on this parent’s life over the last 6 months.

Our fundraising and events schedule continues to be very busy, although unfortunately our skydive at the end of April was cancelled because of poor weather. This was rescheduled for May 24th. We will be at the South of England Show again from June 7-9 so if you are planning on attending the Show, please do come and find us opposite the Norfolk Pavilion.

Our foodbank is currently running very low on lots of items so we would appreciate your support with any donations (see flyer right for specific details).

Nikki Kerr, FSW Director of Fundraising and Marketing