Wisborough Green

Managed by the Parish Council, this website is designed to keep residents updated on village goings-on and to provide information which will be of use and interest to residents and visitors alike.


03 July

WG Table Tennis Club

3rd July 2024 Village Hall, WG Unlimited tickets Table Tennis
View Details
04 July

Wizzy Tots Baby & Toddler Group

4th July 2024 St Peter's WG Unlimited tickets Wizzy Tots
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04 July

Womens’ Institute

4th July 2024 Village Hall, WG Unlimited tickets WI
View Details
05 July

Xpresso Coffee Morning

5th July 2024 St Peter's WG Unlimited tickets Xpresso
View Details
09 July

St Peter’s Churchyard Maintenance

9th July 2024 St Peter's WG Unlimited tickets St Peter's Events
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26 August

Wisborough Green Village Fete

26th August 2024 Village Green, WG Unlimited tickets Featured
View Details
18 September

St Peter’s Luncheon Club

18th September 2024 Village Hall, WG Unlimited tickets Featured, Lunch Club
View Details
20 November

St Peter’s Luncheon Club

20th November 2024 Village Hall, WG Unlimited tickets Featured, Lunch Club
View Details


Neighbourhood Watch Update

WhatsApp group chats are targeted by fraudsters WhatsApp group chat members are being warned they could be targeted by criminals, as Action Fraud reveals it has received 636 reports from victims of the messaging app this year. The fraud often...

WG Primary School News

It never ceases to amaze me how quickly the Year 6 Standard Assessment Tests (SATs) come around each year! Despite being a contentious issue for some, Wisborough Green, along with all other maintained primary schools, is obliged to administer these...


FOR ALL DOG OWNERS There ain’t a dog poo fairy; own it. Bins at Songhurst Meadow are now open. Dog waste bags can now be put into litter bins which CDC empties on a weekly basis. CDC is phasing out dog waste bins and asking people to use the...

Wisborough Green Minibus

Wisborough Green Division Registered Charity No: 1173818 Local Coordinator: Dave Wallace 47, Carters Way, Wisborough Green RH14 0BX Tel: 01403 700320   Email: davedavewallacedave@outlook.com To use the minibus you need to be a member of the Minibus...

Women’s Institute

Our May meeting hosted Esther Clark who talked about the charity Medical Detection Dogs, from its founding through to today's work and current research on early detection of Parkinson's Disease. Our Supper Club meets monthly either for lunch or an...

District Cllr Writes

Dear Residents, We hope you have had a wonderful Easter time and are looking ahead to the summer. With recent glimmers or lovely weather, we hope that the summer is soon upon us and we can enjoy the many beautiful green spaces with friend and...

80th Anniversary of D-Day

Remembering D-Day and the Battle of Normandy The D-Day landings of 6 June 1944 was the largest seaborne invasion in history. Along with the associated airborne operations, it marked the beginning of the liberation of France and western Europe....

County Cllr. Janet Duncton Writes

A lot of County work involves the whole of the County but I am sure you don’t want or need details of say a roundabout in Crawley or similar.  On the other hand there are overall County issues that involve everyone and I do try and keep you...

Wisborough Green School PTA

Film Night The children had a wonderful time at film night on Wednesday  17th January. The children watched some of their favourite films with their friends while eating some fun snacks. Lots of fun for everyone. A big thank you to the teachers...

Urgent Appeal for Volunteer Drivers

The village car service is in need of volunteer drivers. This service is hugely appreciated by all the people who use it. It provides transport to Doctors’ and Dentists’ surgeries and local hospitals. There is no charge for this service but...

WG Short Mat Bowls Club

The club meets in the Village Hall every Monday (2pm to 4pm) and is a small friendly group of mixed ages and abilities. Since starting up in 2009, the club has grown in both strength and numbers with a current membership of around 28. We are always...

Renegades Update

Renegades to explore home education The Renegades youth club, now in its sixth year, is to explore a new way of helping more school aged children and widen its commitment to the local community. There has been a sharp rise in home education since...

Village Hall News

Book the Hall If you wish to book an event, you can check the Hall diary and book online at:  https://www.wisboroughgreenvh.org.uk/book-the-hall or via a direct link to the bookings page https://hallbookingonline.com/wisborough/ Bookings are made...

Public Access Defibrillators

A defibrillator is a device that gives a high energy electric shock to the heart of someone who is in cardiac arrest. This high energy shock is called defibrillation,   and it's an essential part in trying to save the life of someone who is in...

Member of Parliament Update

Representing a rural constituency, I am passionate supporter of our farmers and their contribution to both putting food on our tables and conserving our environment. With this in mind, I was delighted by the news that Waitrose and the Co-op have...

Wisborough Green Village Fete

- Bank Holiday Monday - 26th August 2024 - A reminder that plans are well underway for this amazing village event in the summer. We are booking the Stalls, Food, Vintage Cars and more….. If you would like to sponsor a stall or be involved on the...


School Summer Fair

We look forward to seeing everyone on Saturday 15th June for a wonderful school celebration on the green from 12 noon until 4 pm.

St Peter Luncheon Club

We look forward to seeing you at our next Luncheon Club: Wednesday 19th June 2024 at 12.30 pm A two course lunch for £7.50 is provided which will include a glass of wine or soft drink.  There will be a vegetarian option if you tell us in advance...

Minibus Annual Wine & Cheese Party

Party Time! Wisborough Green Minibus Association’s  celebrated annual wine and cheese party returns this month, so please save the date: Friday 28 June 6.30pm sharp Wisborough Green Village Hall £7 at the door Everyone is welcome: non-members, old...

Afternoon Tea

In the Vicarage Garden (church if wet) on Saturday 6th July from 2.30 to 4.30 pm to fundraise for Mandes Ministry in Uganda.

Wisborough Green Village Fete

- Bank Holiday Monday - 26th August 2024 - A reminder that plans are well underway for this amazing village event in the summer. We are booking the Stalls, Food, Vintage Cars and more….. If you would like to sponsor a stall or be involved on the...

WG Horticultural Society

The August Flower Show is not too far away and the time to get planting is now! Copies of the Show Schedule are available in the Village Shop and can be viewed on the Horticultural Society website: membermojo.co.uk/wghortsoc WGHS Committee  ...


The Next Parish Council Meeting

  The next Parish Council will be meeting on Tuesday 16th July 2024 at 7.45 pm. The agenda will be published on Thursday 11th July. MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC ARE WELCOME TO ATTEND THIS MEETING.               ...

Minutes of the Last Meeting

The draft minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 18th June 2024 are now published here.

Read all about it !

The Parish Council's Annual Report has now been published, giving full details of what the Parish Council has been doing and spending during the financial year from 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024. Now published here. A summary report will be...

Parish Council Vacancy

The Parish Council is currently one councillor short. If you are interested in becoming more involved in the village, find out more from the Clerk. Call 701102 or email clerk@wisboroughgreenpc.org

The west road – NO access and parking

In the August Parish Council (PC) newsletter we highlighted that residents of the west road had brought to the PC’s attention that many more cars are being driven at speed and/or parked along the west road. Technically, this road is part of the...


FOR ALL DOG OWNERS There ain’t a dog poo fairy; own it. Bins at Songhurst Meadow are now open. Dog waste bags can now be put into litter bins which CDC empties on a weekly basis. CDC is phasing out dog waste bins and asking people to use the...

eWG Sign Up

Sign up for e-communication and receive update emails from the Parish Council. This will shorten lead times on messaging, offer the ability to communicate rapidly in emergencies and make, for instance, sending out a link for an online consultation...


Fundraising for Air Ambulance

Isle of Wight Ultra Challenge   Hello Everyone, I promised I would update you all after I had completed the IOW Ultra Challenge and I have to say it was much harder than the first time I completed it 5 years ago. The weather was glorious, the...

Flag Raising Days

6 June - 80th Anniversary of D-Day - (Special flag will fly for a week)   15 June - Official Birthday of His Majesty The King 16 June - Sussex Day 21 June - Birthday of The Prince of Wales 24 June - Armed Forces Day (Armed Forces Day flag)...

Village Hall Monthly Draw Club

The winner of the May draw is Brian Edson who wins £50. The winner of the 2nd prize of £20 is Shirley Stride.   The next draw will take place on Thursday 6th June 2024. Mew members always welcome. First prize each month is £50 which is...

WG History – Allen Watts Upfield, Man of Property

Today, Allen Watts Upfield is remembered in the village by Upfield Villas, the row of houses he built on the southern side of Weavers Hill on Durbans Road.  But in his lifetime he was a successful businessman, owning Upfield’s Stores and a number...

Family Support Work News

Website: https://www.familysupportwork.org/ Dear Friends, FSW has been a hive of activity in the last month. Many of our practitioners have been running group sessions for their clients to support them in parenting issues as well as their normal...

Neighbourhood Watch Update

Are you scam savvy? West Sussex County Council's Digital Safety Team has just organised a number of online and in-person free events for their popular course 'Are you scam savvy?' These free 1.5 hour sessions are available to anyone who wants to...

The Gardener’s Calendar

Things to do in the garden this month by Ian Clemens Plant out annual summer bedding plants in borders, containers and hanging baskets now the risk of frost has passed. Lift and divide clumps of snowdrops and bluebells once the leaves start to...

St Peter’s Task Force

St Peter's 'Task Force' The Churchyard at St Peter’s is an historic record of successive generations, a home for funerary monuments of architectural and aesthetic excellence, a setting for the church itself and a place for reflection and prayer. ...

Nature Notes

Sending summer greetings to all! And hooray - at last I can roam more freely again, to enjoy the countryside that surrounds us! Back down the woods behind us with the carpets of bluebells, wild garlic galore, and yet again our one Early Spring...

Recipe of the month

Tandoori-Spiced Cauliflower Chicken Flatbreads A quick and easy mid-week dinner that you can cook in your air fryer or oven! Ingredients:  (serves 4) 1 small red onion, thinly sliced 1.5 tsp paprika 1.5 tsp ground coriander 1.5 tsp ground cumin 1...

About Us

Wisborough Green lies in the northwest corner of West Sussex, astride the A272 east-west main road. The River Arun and its flood plain to the east and the heavily wooded high ground to the west maintain the essentially rural nature of the Parish and its separation from the commercial and residential development in Billingshurst and Petworth. Wisborough Green is a typical English village with a village green, public houses, pond, Church, village shop and Post Office in the centre of the village.


Fed up with anti-social driving or parking, or abandoned vehicles?
If so, report to Operation Crackdown.
Find out more
or call 01243 632222.


Holes in the road or other environmental concerns?
Report directly to WSCC through
‘Love West Sussex’
and then track progress